Tag Archives: shingeki no kyojin

translation: this is.. Heichou’s cup!


genre:crack, fluffy

orignal artist:  ひげ彦 

jpn to chns translation cr: baidu EreRi bar

recently i have begun a duo collaboration with Koi-chan, we will be translating some longer EreRi comics on cecil-koi.  please look forward to it! 

along with the collab blog i will continue some simple solo translations.  let us all recover from episode 22..


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Hey! I just watched episode 22 of the anime of Shingeki and I can’t believe all the forced drama that the episode has caused at my beloved LeviHan tag. First of all, just keep calm and read the manga. All the scenes that Wit Studio has made up are not Levi x Petra fanservice but Levi centered service. It makes no difference who has died, the important thing is to show to the audience that Levi is a human being with feelings like all the other characters. We already knew that, of course, but the anime has just emphasized that just in case someone hasn’t noticed it.

So anyway, just relax and enjoy the magic of LeviHan. I come today with the very first published doujinshi of Levi and Hanji I have seen scanned at the Internet. Thanks to the uploader (I couldn’t contact her/him because the language barrier ;3;) and to liefelijk, who told me about this doujinshi. I had its sample at the requests list but now we can read the whole thing.

  • Author: El-ahrairah (Pixiv).
  • Title: Close to you.
  • Rate: SFW but with nude scenes.
  • DDL: MediaFire / Dropbox.
  • Notes: This doujinshi contains some spoilers of vol. 8 of the original manga. Moreover, I have decided to use the official translation of the name of Levi from now on (I prefer “Rivaille”, but…).